Real life has started for us now that I am back to work and Bryce has started school. If you can go all the way back (I cannot figure out how to put a link to Leah's post), there is a similar picture of Leah on her first day of school - Bryce seems about twice her size!! He is doing very well at school and is learning a lot. He enjoys seeing his cousin Tyler everyday (as well as his aunt or uncle) and I am sure they will learn how to team up on their teachers!

Leah is hilarious these days! She is mimicing pretty much anything I do with Bryce with her baby. She hasn't given her baby a name yet, I am waiting for that one! This is a picture of her
'eat, eating' - that means feeding her baby. She likes to tell me what Bryce is doing all the time...her favorite is "AWAKE...OPEN", then she says "HI BWICE" with the C being a TH sound.

Saturday mornings are fun around our house because we aren't rushing off to school in the morning and it's much more relaxed. I thought this picture was kind of funny with Leah eating her oatmeal reading her US Weekly and Bryce hanging out in his bouncy seat.

Of course, I cannot forget to report in on the precious smiles that we're starting to get from our little guy!! Sometimes I will look over at him and he is just ALL smiles at someone or a random toy - or yes, the ceiling fan.

He is a happy little fella. We figured out if he is fussy, he normally wants to be put down on the floor and have his independant play time. I wish I had figured that out a few weeks ago, but it's making the VB house a little lower on the decibal level!!