Bryce has hit the 9 month milestone! He is doing marvelously! He is crawling, pulling himself up and starting to respond to common phrases such as 'So big'. We have his 9 month well-child this week and I am interested to see what percentile he fits into. He says "ma ma ma ma ma" which I am sure is translated to Mom, I love you....We sure love him!
Easter, 2011. The kids were dressed to the nines even though I wasn't able to get a good shot of them both looking at the camera together while smiling, they still were cute!
My parents gave each of the Okkema grandkids a balloon to signify Jesus rising from the dead. The balloons were a big hit - as well as Easter Eggs full of candy!
Then, later in the evening the Gonzalez family came to our house and we were visited by a special friend....the Easter Bunny!