The VB family had a great Christmas this year! We are thankful to have such a great family and everyone is healthy. Christmas Eve was spent with Rick's family, and Leah REALLY enjoyed playing with her cousins. She hardly sat still the whole night - so much fun!

My parents gave Leah her very own rocking chair for Christmas and she LOVES to sit and rock in it. She even learned a new word "weeeee" and says it while she rocks.

She also discovered a new favorite spot to play - we are in the process of getting a new dishwasher (YAY!) and she found the new cubby such an exciting new place to play! Needless to say, plug covers were put in almost immediately after her discovery. She is growing so fast and seems SO tall lately! She most definitely makes us laugh a lot throughout the day!
I love her! She is the busiest little woman that I have ever met :)
Cuter by the second!
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