Here is Rick and Leah paging through her favorite picture book of her first year.

This blog has been created to document the VB family tree as it happens!
Here is a video of a typical evening at the VB house....Leah finds some interesting things to play with when mommy is doing the dishes or has her back turned. Last night was no different. She learned how to get into the box where we keep all the items that may poke an eye out...etc. I found her sitting in the box and it prompted the video.
She is adding words to her dictionary every day - I believe I heard "what happened" in the correct context - and another one of her favorite phrases is "where did it go"...you may have to listen closely to translate it, but that's what it is!
Also, baby boy VB is doing well - we're happily in the 3rd trimester and moving right along. According to the last doctor visit we were still measuring right on schedule and I passed the real glucose test so no diabetes diet for Mommy!