It's amazing to think how fast time goes in the grand scheme of things! I am 31 1/2 weeks along and the nesting phase is in full effect! Rick is doing a great job of getting projects done for me so we can start transitioning Leah into her new bedroom and we can get started on HeVB's room!
Here is Rick and Leah paging through her favorite picture book of her first year.

Also, my tummy is getting in the way of my snuggle time with Leah, so I guess it's not just the 2 of us anymore! Leah cuddles up to her brother and gives him good night kisses. Also, there is a game at her school to have all the kids walk around with balls under their shirts, this morning Leah was walking around with one and someone asked her what it was and she stated very clearly, "It's a baby!" I think she's getting the hint!! She continues to keep us on our toes and laughing at all the new words that she's coming up with lately. Her favorite phrase is "wut bappin?" translation: what happened? Her favorite babysign is the sign for ice cream, she is constantly whipping out her imiginary ice cream cone and giving it a couple licks and then signs that it's cold. I will also try and follow up with a video of this cute occurance.
I think she needs to be in those baby sign language videos. She's a pro!
Tears filled my eyes when I saw that picture of you and her snuggled around your belly. That is soooooo sweet!
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