Saturday, September 25, 2010

a Baby Story Part 2

Hello He-VB fans! Today is finally the day we get to meet our little guy!! Yesterday we went to the dr and found that my blood pressure was quite elevated and they put me on a monitor to watch the baby's movements. From there, they decided there were a couple red flags and they sent me over to the Hospital for a "Biophysical Profile". That included sitting on the monitor for a few hours and an ultra sound to meaure movements, breathing patterns and fluid levels. The baby checked out GREAT but they found that my fluid level was a 6.5 and anything under 10 is a concern. I guess they don't let you leave the hospital if you're under 5 because of the risks to the baby. SO, the decision was made to move my induction up from Tuesday, September 28 to Saturday am, September 25. They put me on bed rest and told me to take it easy for the night.

It was stressful to sit on the couch and try and relax when there were so many things to get done. All in good time, right?

So, at this point, it's 10 am, we've been at the hospital for 2 hours and on pitocin for about an hour. The doctor says my contractions are coming along very nicely and regularly and the baby looks good so far!

There was only 1 scare this morning when they noticed my elevated blood pressure they said there is a slight chance if my blood platelet level is low I MAY not be able to get an epidural....uuuuhhhh, yeah. So, we're praying that those levels stay within normal and I can be as comfortable as possible through out the day.

We're excited to see how the day unfolds!!!

1 comment:

Little's said...

very excited for you! Praying for a safe and healthy baby and a very comfortable labor for mom!