Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Early Winter 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Bryce's First Day of School (and other pictures too)

Saturday mornings are fun around our house because we aren't rushing off to school in the morning and it's much more relaxed. I thought this picture was kind of funny with Leah eating her oatmeal reading her US Weekly and Bryce hanging out in his bouncy seat.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Halloween - 2010

Bryce - 1 Month!

It's amazing to think that at the end of August I was dreading the LONG month ahead...then after Bryce was born, this first month has just flown by. He is currently working on being able to hold his head up and he did roll over twice from his tummy to his back, although it hasn't been repeated since. The longest he has slept in a row is 6 hours and it delighted the entire family. :)
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Fun in the Sun

Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Scoop on Bryce's Birthday...

Leah came to meet her baby brother the next morning. She was wearing a big sister shirt that was given to her by her babysitters the day before. Cute guys!! She was very interested and loving for about 3 minutes and then tried to destroy the hospital room for the rest of the time she visited...we knew our work was cut out for us!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Rick and Leah are doing lots of yard work together while I am inside keeping tabs on Bryce.
Rick figured it was time to teach Leah to drive the tractor - which is her dream come true. She LOVES all things tractor!!
Apparently there is a song that the singer yells out "Big Truck" and that is what she is yelling at the end of the video though it is almost impossible to decipher.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
6 hours in....
The staff all seems to think this was the "jump start" that we've been waiting for and things will move quickly from here.
a Baby Story Part 2
It was stressful to sit on the couch and try and relax when there were so many things to get done. All in good time, right?
So, at this point, it's 10 am, we've been at the hospital for 2 hours and on pitocin for about an hour. The doctor says my contractions are coming along very nicely and regularly and the baby looks good so far!
There was only 1 scare this morning when they noticed my elevated blood pressure they said there is a slight chance if my blood platelet level is low I MAY not be able to get an epidural....uuuuhhhh, yeah. So, we're praying that those levels stay within normal and I can be as comfortable as possible through out the day.
We're excited to see how the day unfolds!!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Leah and Cousin Tyler
Leah is really enjoying getting to know her new cousin and has some new phrases "sshhh, it's ok baby, shhh" was our favorite.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A big thank you to Katy for painting the nursery!! Apparently, Leah is taking a bow for all the hard work she has done as well.

And of course, while mommy was working on this project this weekend, someone snuck into the oreos. It's amazing what she can reach on the kitchen counter now!! We are very excited to meet this little guy and hopefully it will be sooner than later. Our last dr's appt didn't really show many signs for hope, but I'm told that could change quickly! :)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
New Bedroom for Leah!

Here is a video of her activity, if you catch at the end that a motorcycle drove by, that is what she is signing with her right hand. (what a smart girl!)
Friday, July 30, 2010
July's come and GONE!

Here is Rick and Leah paging through her favorite picture book of her first year.

Friday, July 9, 2010
Here is a video of a typical evening at the VB house....Leah finds some interesting things to play with when mommy is doing the dishes or has her back turned. Last night was no different. She learned how to get into the box where we keep all the items that may poke an eye out...etc. I found her sitting in the box and it prompted the video.
She is adding words to her dictionary every day - I believe I heard "what happened" in the correct context - and another one of her favorite phrases is "where did it go"...you may have to listen closely to translate it, but that's what it is!
Also, baby boy VB is doing well - we're happily in the 3rd trimester and moving right along. According to the last doctor visit we were still measuring right on schedule and I passed the real glucose test so no diabetes diet for Mommy!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Brown Bear, Brown Bear

And of course, I can't resist putting on the 4 sister picture! We spent some bittersweet family time last week with the passing of our Grandma. BUT it was a great time to catch up with Aunti So and a lot of other out of town relatives during the funeral functions over the weekend. Grandma B will be missed but your spunk lives on in all of us...even Leah!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Summer 2010 is Here!

This is just one of Leah's cute little summer outfits. Oh, there are MANY more to come. I love seeing the little leg rolls come out from their winter hybernation!

Someone CLEARLY did not check the weather for this week.....we're having fun with some new interests in picking her own clothes and for instance, wearing a rain coat on a sunny day. I wonder where she might get that from?????