Hi Guys! Thanks so much for all of your notes, emails, calls etc. We are always reminded in times like these how AMAZING our support group is. You are all SO wonderful and we are so blessed to have each and everyone of you!
One of my dad's surgeons stopped in today and briefly explained how this whole bypass thing works. He seems to be erring on the safe side and said surgery would probably be on Tuesday now, because they feel comfortable waiting 7 days after the last time he took his Plavix (blood thinner).
Corrie, Holly and I went to the Michigan Blood Center and each donated blood so they can use it specifically for his surgery just in case they might need some extra - we were told about 20% of men will need extra "blood products". Holly got on the news while they were broadcasting about how their blood volumes are low and everyone should come out and donate ....DONE! (sooo, get out there and donate blood everyone!) I wanted to take a picture of all of us donating but we all forgot our cameras so you're just going to have to imagine three giggling girls eating cookies and drinking lots of juice.
We're all enjoying as much family togetherness time as we can. And of course, Leah brings lots of joy during the stressful time. We're all aprehensive about the surgery, but we have faith that God will heal him and he'll feel better than he has in a long time.
I will try and keep updating as much as I can! Love to you all!