One week from today, Leah will be a year old! I am having trouble believing that a whole year has gone by! She is learning new things every day - she has officially said her first word " Uh-oh". She points and says "uh-oh" to everything. This is a picture of her reading her favorite book. Over, and over and over ....this is a flip book and some of the flip-out pictures have been ripped out due to over-use. She has a certain picture that she kisses every time she sees it.

Leah's friend Rogue came to play Sunday night - they get along pretty well - if they're not after the same toy. They're both getting so big - it's so much fun to watch them together.
Pipe ladies.
Time flies when your having fun. The second year will go by even faster, sadly it has for us at least.
I want to see her kiss the picture. VERY CUTE!
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