Each day with Leah gets more and more fun! She is learning so many new things so quickly! She has a preference on which book she is reading, and has even on occasion, brought a book to me and crawled into my lap so I can read it to her. It melts my heart each time she does it!

She has also decided that fitness is a wonderful thing. Health needs to be maintained by regular exercise...here is an example of her doing her Downward Facing Dog Yoga pose.....and as of 7 pm this evening, she has added WALKING to her list of exercises!! She all of a sudden walked all the way across the living room (towards her friend Deacon) and shocked us ALL! What a HUGE milestone today!!

And of course, she needs to be a good helper in the kitchen, after all, a healthy diet is important too! She learned that opening the drawer and cubbards make a cool loud noise. Perhaps it's time for some child safety locks!
Wow, great job Leah. Soon you'll be running all over the place.
Love that girl and we were very proud to witness the first few steps. Did she do anymore after we left? Your world is about to change with a walking toddler...
Yay! Seems like just yesterday we were all on the edge of our seats waiting for blog updates on her arrival!
Oh my goodness! What a big girl! Love her!
I just can't believe it little Leah! It seems like she was just born.
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