Unbelievable- 9 months has passed since Leah arrived. This has been a very fun month for us. She is still figuring out the logistics of crawling...but it won't be long - there is a lot rocking back and forth and other scooting techniques - so we're just waiting for the day she takes off!

She loves to look at books - especially the books with textures - like soft patches or fuzzy pictures. I am SURE she will be a bookworm like some of her aunties!

The classic Leah picture...

She is also starting to enjoy musical instruments...(Auntie Holly) every day she has to play a little tune on her piano.

And of course she enjoys lots of snuggle/napping time with Daddy. You can tell she is SUPER sleeping because her pacifer is dangling from her mouth. Precious moments...
Mmmmm I love her! Enjoy the up coming months, they are my FAVORITE!
I cannot wait to see her on the move! Soon, very soon. Dang it she is cute!
Love the wife beater RD.
LOVE HER!! I agree with Tripp...9-12 months SOOO much fun!
They grow way too fast. Where did the time go?
seriously....since when did 9 months go by already?
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