Now that Leah is here, I am learning a wonderful thing about garage sales - you can find some REALLY cool stuff! This is Leah's new favorite toy. It has activities on each side and doubles as storage. Seriously, so COOL! I found myself playing with it, as well as the cats. I think there will be hours of fun with this thing. Yay garage sales! (you can also see the mini piano in the back ground, Rick has banned new toys at our house for a while)

Friday night we all had the pleasure of having Rogue over to play with Leah. They were just too cute in all their purple-ness that we spent a lot of time taking pictures of them. They are 3 1/2 months apart and I am SURE they will be B.F.F.'s.
It is almost impossible to pose to kiddos that don't sit up well by themselves yet, but we had a lot of laughs trying!! Here are some out-takes.

F. U.N.!! Thanks for letting us play Krakers!

Our precious baby is growing up so fast. She is 8.1 months (according to her daddy) old already! Milestones of this week are she is So close to crawling. She is finding creative ways of transporting herself around and I know it's a matter of days before it clicks in her mind and she takes off - before we get the baby gate up. She also has HER FIRST TOOTH!!! I found it by accident when she was randomly chewing on my finger. It is on the bottom right and I admit, I cried - not because it hurt, but she's just growing and changing SO fast!!

Spring is my favorite time of year at our house...we have a gorgeous flowering tree in the front yard, so Rick decided Leah needed to explore the tree and the flowers. She was kind of curious but I think she was more curious about why she was so high up in the air. She loved it!

It was my dad's birthday yesterday - a special day for our family since we have a renewed appreciation for his life! Leah was happy to be hanging out with her 2 favorite guys yesterday for her Grandpa's birthday dinner.
We also experience our first parade at the Dandelion Festival in good 'ole Borculo. That was sumthin! I wanted to see how Leah reacted to 'parade activity' before I got all pscyched up about Tulip Time - she did GREAT and enjoyed all the people watching. I think we're going to attempt to get to the big parade on Saturday. Stay tuned for pictures!!!
The pictures of Rogue and Leah are soo cute! Thanks for taking such good care of her!!!
Cutest post ever, until the next one of course =)
Leah has a life full of fun ahead of her with RD :)
How fun!! Isn't it fun to have 2 little ones around...(hint, hint..J/k). Pictures are precious!
Robin, you are becoming a pro-blogger. I really enjoyed this post.
Leah is, of course, adorable in every way!
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