Friday, August 8, 2008

36 Weeks and All is Well

Hello Shevb fans - I wanted to post an update on how our doctors appointment went yesterday. We've been getting very concerned about my feet and how swollen and purple they've become, but according to the doctor, this week has been horrible for all the patients at the office. Everyone is coming in with swollen feet - I guess that's what happens when you're pregnant in August.
I also got to experience my first internal exam. I was a little shocked when they said that they were doing that, but it does make sense! I am happy to report that her head is nice and low, I am 50% efaced (how the heck do you spell that?) and I am dialated to almost a 1. YAY!!!
This is obviously not an indication of when Shevb will be making her debute, but according to the doctor "conditions are favorable". I was pretty encouraged to hear that there is progress being made, and I don't even know it!! That's a good girl! :)


Brink Boys said...

Wow, 50% already...that is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

50% is great and 1 cm is great! Most people don't get to that point. Yeah She!

Katy said...


Little's said...

Wowzers!! Now, if you have pains that seem like your appendix, probably are probably in labor so don't take your time like I did!

Tripp said...

I can't believe how close it's getting.