Tuesday, August 26, 2008

no baby yet

it is 11:55pm, contractions are 3-5 min apart, getting stronger, i will keep you updated yo. (no screamers at this time)


Anonymous said...

Come on SheVB! I might have a heart attack by the time you are born. I will keep saying my prayers for you, Mommy and Daddy. Hopefully I will meet you soon!
PS-my phone is fully charged and waiting for "the call".
I hope Mommy is feel as well as expected and Daddy is calm as ever.

tmauro said...

praying for you guys!

Katy said...

I don't think I'm going to make it through the day

tmauro said...

i'm going to target. i gotta shop it out!

Little's said...

Seriously I don't remember the last time I was this excited/anxious!! Go Robin Go!! Thinking and praying for you every second!

Brink Boys said...

Keep on dilating Robin!!! Your sister Holly and I are done shopping at Target now, so you can push her out anytime! Hope you are all doing well and the epidural is a good one!

Rachel said...

Your doing great Robin! I hope that MC Donalds breakfast is holding you over! I can't wait to hear from you and Rick. fist pump.

Anonymous said...

You are my kinda girl, blogging during labor.
I hope you have a good focal point. Maybe Tracy can run and grab you Zeeland Hospital's.

tmauro said...

i remember that thing on the ceiling! oh that was so funny!

Brink Boys said...

Ok, I totally just took my phone into the bathroom with me at work...and yes, I would have answered it even if I had been peeing!

Anonymous said...

I yelled at my Mom for calling me today. I have to keep the line open!

Anonymous said...

Hope all is going well still. I can't wait to meet the little VB can you tell her to move things along for all of us waiting out here in blogger land. Lot's of prayers love Holly