This blog has been created to document the VB family tree as it happens!
We were pleasantly suprised that Leah chose to debut her mad dancing skills this weekend for us. They have a "music and movement" segment at school everyday and it looks like she's been learning lots!! Sorry the camera is shaking I was laughing too hard to hold it steady.
Leah is developing such a funny little sense of humor. She continues to enjoy walking around with a bucket on her head. I hope you enjoy!
In other news, she is starting to jibber jabber quite a bit. One of these days it will turn into complete sentences that I can understand!! Also we are noticing a few molars popping through her gums - we believe there are 4 are making their appearance at once. Poor thing!
Leah got this adorable little hat that my mom made, and she seems quite proud of it!
Thanks Mom!
Our little Leah turned 11 months old on Sunday. 11 MONTHS ALREADY! Can you tell I am getting a bit emotional about the next month milestone?
Leah is starting to stand for a few seconds at a time on her own and is VERY quick to cruise around furniture or crawl across the room. She has so many new tricks but she needs to WANT to do them for you otherwise she just makes her parents look a bit foolish attempting to show them off.
Rick and I enjoyed a night off up north with some of our friends. Leah stayed at my parents house over night. She did really well and probably didn't even realize we were gone!
Her 4th tooth showed up Sunday night. She now has the two bottom middle teeth and two top teeth - not the middle, but on each side of the middle - maybe incisors? Rachel? She looks quite hick-ish without the top middle teeth, but we forgive her cuz she's so cute!
Now, I hope you enjoy the video and please excuse the prodding from the peanut gallery :)