Well, that was FUN! As mentioned in the last post my mom got Leah a session to get her colors done. This is achieved by draping a series of different colored clothes to see what works best with Leah's skin tone, eyes and hair color. She did SO well and seemed to enjoy the interesting colors and possibly tried to eat some of them. She made a wide range of funny little faces, some of which we captured on film (or memory card). It was determined that she is a "gentle" winter and we have a whole booklet of colors that are in her "pallet". It didn't take very long so then, Leah, my mom and I headed over to Russ' for a non-dairy brunch. I opted for a salad and the waitress looked at me like I had holes in my head when I requested no cheese. Yes ma'am, I AM insane. :) HA! What a great adventure. Leah is all tired out from such a fun day. Thanks again Ima!