Can we get enough pink around here? I think not!! So, our peanut is already 4 weeks old! When did that happen? I took her into the doctor this morning for some strange looking diapers...
the stats: she is 8 lbs 11 oz and 20 3/4 inches tall. WOW!
The diagnosis for the diaper stuff is that they think that she is a bit sensitive to Cow's Milk Proteins. To further diagnose this problem, I am now restricted from eating dairy products. As most of you know, my diet pretty much revolves around cheese.... :) I am going to have to adapt a bit and learn to branch out a bit (or starve to death). The doctor thinks that this is not necessarily going to continue and turn into a milk allergy for Leah, she said time will tell!!

A few pictures back, remember that these sunglasses wouldn't even fit her face? Awwwww! She's growing so fast!
SAADD! What are we going to have for lunch when we come back? Good work on keeping her growing though man!
Oh man, how long do you have to be off dairy to know if that is the issue? That stinks, but is obviously for a good reason =)
Nope, Chocolate isn't dairy. Its a little slice of heaven and it needs to be eaten in the form of a Snickers bar everyday!
I think she is doing such a good job at growing because of all the yummy dairy products. :)
Hard to believe that 1 month ago you were still preggers and we never knew sweet little Leah!
You have the cutest little girl-ever!!!! I am so happy for you!! What a fun time for you! Congrats-a little late!
she's too cute!
I feel as though the first picture is Rick as a baby.
Oh no. Anything but dairy. I bet you died a little bit when you heard that.
Well, soon her digestive tract will grow and mature to her mother's dairy digesting ability. :)
4 weeks already?? Where did that time go. Sorry about the dairy, hopefully it won't last long!
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