Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
favorite place
Friday, December 12, 2008
1st Christmas Program

What a GREAT way to start the holiday season. Merry Christmas everyone!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Since Leah has arrived family time has taken on a new meaning and is now even more special.
Also, thank you to everyone that came to church this weekend and showed your support for us and Leah on our special day. We are so blessed for such a great circle of friends and family!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Cozy Weekend

I was delighted and saddened that Leah was able to sit up un-assisted in it. And I quote from Tracy "I'm going to love it, and you're going to hate this!". She was right. Leah looked so grown up sitting all by herself in the seat, where does the time go? She kind of looks a little dazed herself!

Monday, November 3, 2008
Trick or Treat
We went lots of places 'trick or treating' this is Leah with her buddy Deacon, the Kangaroo.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Mooowwaaahhh haa haaa haaa
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tagged By Heather
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
2 month checkup

She is in the 25 - 50th percentile for her height, weight and head circumfrance, so she's on the smaller side, how cute and delicate!
We also discussed the non-dairy diet and the doctor feels that it would be harmful to Leah to even cheat (any more than I started to) until she is at least 9 months old. I think Vitale's business is starting to suffer from this diet!!
The shots were much more traumatic for me. 1 in her right leg, 2 in her left and one was an oral medication. She cried, of course, and of course, so did I...but she recovered quite quickly. Mommy did not. We spent the afternoon snuggling with me apologizing for the owies, but she seems to have forgiven me. We are now looking into buying stock in Children's Tylenol.
9 weeks
Friday, October 24, 2008
purple goodness

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
snug as a bug

It was super cold this morning when Leah and dad were leaving for school. We anticipated the low temperatures and went out and bought a 'Bundleme' cover for her carseat last night. It is AMAZING and super soft and warm. Rick made the comment about how we should put a pea in the bottom of the car seat to see if she would be bothered or not. He's too funny! Leah looks pretty comfy!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
8 weeks Old!

Today is Leah's 8 week birthday. She is doing a lot of very fun things - such as smiling almost every day and she has become much more vocal over the past couple of days. She responds to silly voices and faces with her own little noises. It is PRECIOUS! She is also following people and objects with her eyes, so I am convinced that she is a genious! She is currently getting over cold # 2, but she is recovering nicely. I am now on a mission to capture the SMILE on camera...we will see how it goes. It will be worth the wait, I promise!
Friday, October 17, 2008
rub a dub dub

Bath time is always a fun adventure at the VB house. Leah seems to love them - you can't tell, but she's really happy in this picture! She is starting to smile and coo almost every day. It melts my heart every time!
Her baby acne seems to be clearing up a bit, so now she's even cuter - is that possible?
Friday, October 10, 2008
first day at school

Yesterday was the first day that Leah went to "school". Our daycare center likes the kids to call it school - because it's a much more positive term - and the kids learn a lot there!
This is a picture of Leah when she left for school with her daddy. Our routine is hopefully going to be that he drops her off in the morning (giving me time to actually take a shower in the morning!) and then I pick her up at the end of the day. It worked out very well yesterday, and we hope it continues to go smoothly.
As you can see, the eyes were not open when she left. She was a little perturbed at being up by 6:30 and out the door by 7:15 - ah, paybacks for all the sleepless nights!

This is a picture of her when we got home - notice the different outfit...she went through 3 outfits yesterday - mommy only packed 1 extra set of clothes and 2 onsies - but she made sure to break in her teachers on her first day! They put her in an extra outfit that they had. I didn't know where she was right away when I went to pick her up because I didn't recognize the clothes. Anyways, she did VERY well and she is making new friends already. There are 11 other kids in her "class" under the age of 1. I am sure they will all grow up to be good friends! If you have to send your kids to daycare, I would say that our place is the best choice and it makes it so much easier to be back at work knowing she's in good hands.
Monday, October 6, 2008

Leah had another first this weekend. I went up north with 8 of her girlfriends over Saturday night - so she got to spend lots of quality time with her daddy!! They both did SO well
(except a crying spell for a few hours). They even made a trip to Crane's Orchards with my parents for lunch on Sunday.
Today is Leah's first day wearing Jeans!! I believe that these are hand-me-downs from her friend Kennedy ...they are SCRUMPTIOUS! She looks like she's pretty happy in them!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Gentle Winter

Well, that was FUN! As mentioned in the last post my mom got Leah a session to get her colors done. This is achieved by draping a series of different colored clothes to see what works best with Leah's skin tone, eyes and hair color. She did SO well and seemed to enjoy the interesting colors and possibly tried to eat some of them. She made a wide range of funny little faces, some of which we captured on film (or memory card). It was determined that she is a "gentle" winter and we have a whole booklet of colors that are in her "pallet". It didn't take very long so then, Leah, my mom and I headed over to Russ' for a non-dairy brunch. I opted for a salad and the waitress looked at me like I had holes in my head when I requested no cheese. Yes ma'am, I AM insane. :) HA! What a great adventure. Leah is all tired out from such a fun day. Thanks again Ima!
Hello! Today is Leah's 5 week birthday. We are celebrating this birthday by going to get her colors done! What a fun girlie thing to do! That was a shower present from my mom - how thoughtful - we will always know what colors to buy her!! (More pictures of that later!)
This is Leah last week with her new friend Owen. He lives across the street with his parents and older brother and sister. He is about 3 months older than Leah, so they will probably be in the same class. How fun! Don't they look thrilled to be getting their pictures taken? I recall a little flirting just before we snapped the photo.
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